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JVKE – This is what heartbreak feels like

Want to learn “this is what heartbreak feels like” on the Virtual Roblox piano? Well you have come to the right place! I have created a very accurate virtual piano sheets for this song that is intended for beginners/intermediate players. You can play along while watching my tutorial video if you as it may help with the complex rhythms and such. Also, please check out related posts if you want to search for other virtual piano sheets!
YouTube Tutorial Link: Watch the tutorial here!
what heartbreak feels like | Virtual Roblox Piano Sheet Music:
[4u]i o i [4u]-y t
[4u] i o i [4u]–t
[1u] i o i [1u]-y t
[2u] i o i [2u]–t
[4u] i o i [4u]-y t
[4u] i o i [4u]–t
1-o i [1u]-y t
[2f] g h g [2f]–s
[4f] [4g] h g f-d s
f g h g f–
[8f] [8g] h g f-d s
[9d] [9f] d s d–s
[4f] [4g] h g f-d s
f g h g f–
8 8 h g f-d s
[2f] g h g [qf]–
[4f] g h g [ef]-d s
[4f] g h g [ef]–
[1f] g h g [1f]-d s
[2d] f d s [2d]–s
[4f] g h g [4f]-d s
[4f] g h g [4f]–y
1-h g [1f]-d s
[2f] g h g [2f]–t
[4y]uu u t 4 yuu uu
[4u] uuu t 4 tyyyyy
[1y] y y u 1 yty yy
[2y] y y u 2-y t
[4u] i o i [4u]–t
[4u] i o i [4u]-o i
[1u] 8—-[1y] [8t]
[2u] i o i [2u]–
[4f]fffff[4g]-s p
[2d]-s p 2–
[4u] i o i [4u]-y t
[4u] i o i [4u]–t
[1u] i o i [1u]-y t
[2u] i o i [2u]–t
[4p] u i o [4i]-u-
[4u] i o i [4u]–t
1-o i [1u]-y t
[2f] g h g [2f]–s
[4f] [4g] h g f-d s
f g h g f 4-[4s]
[8f] [8g] h g f-d s
[9d] [9f] d s d 9-[9s]
[4f] [4g] h g f-d s
f g h g f–s
1-h g [1f]-d s
[2f] g h g q-f-
[4j] [4j] [4j] [4j] [4k] [4k] [4k] [4k]
f g h g [4f]–
[1f] g h g [1f]-d s
[2d] f d s [2d]–s
[4f] g h g [4f]-d s
[4f] g h g [4f]–u
1-h g [1f]-d s
[2f] g h g 2-f-
[4a] s h f [4a] s h f
[4a] s h f [4a] s h f
[1a] s h f [1a] s h f
[2a] s h f [2a] s h f
Check out this guide if you’re new to playing the Virtual/Roblox piano and don’t know where to start! It also teaches you how to read virtual piano sheets!
Song: this is what heartbreak feels like
Artist: JVKE
Pretty little liar
What you gonna say?
Tell me that you love me
Lying to my face
I know you double-crossed me
Girl, you’re such a fake
What a shame
Guess my lover was a snake
Pretty little liar
What you gonna say?
Tell me that you love me
Lying to my face
I know you double-crossed me
Girl, you’re such a fake
What a shame
Guess my lover was a snake
Pretty little liar
What you gonna say?
Tell me that you love me
Lying to my face
I know you double-crossed me
Girl, you’re such a fake
What a shame
Guess my lover was a snake
Yes, I feel like I’m choking
Breaking up ’cause we already broken
Snake emoji on my phone when you calling
‘Cause our love doesn’t feel like falling
When I cry myself to sleep
I see you in my dreams
I can’t breathe
‘Bout to hyperventilate
Hiding your phone when you’re sleeping
Staying out late on the weekend
Deep down I knew you were cheating
But I didn’t wanna believe it
I’m busy fighting my demons, you were so deceiving
Messing with my feelings
You were my Garden of Eden
Now I’m leaving
Pretty little liar
What you gonna say?
Tell me that you love me
Lying to my face
I know you double-crossed me
Girl, you’re such a fake
What a shame
Guess my lover was a snake
Pretty little liar
What you gonna say?
Tell me that you love me
Lying to my face
I know you double-crossed me
Girl, you’re such a fake
What a shame
Guess my lover was a snake
What you gonna say?
Tell me that you love me
Lying to my face
I know you double-crossed me
Girl, you’re such a fake
What a shame
Guess my lover was a snake