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Lemon Demon – Touch-Tone Telephone (HARD)
Learn how to play Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon on the Virtual/Roblox Piano! This tutorial requested almost everyday for the past 2 weeks by one of my subscribers. I listened to the song and thought it was pretty good so I decided to make a sheet not just to make the commenter happy, but because I thought it would be a cool challenge!
This Sheet is might look easy as there are not that many “multi-notes”, but it is actually very hard because of the song’s high BPM. So, it will take a lot of practice for every level.

YouTube Tutorial Link: Watch the tutorial here (coming soon)
Touch-Tone Telephone (VERY EASY) | SET TRANSCRIPTION TO 3 | Sheet Music:
[8t]-5-8-– 9-6-9– [4q] 4 1 [10] [4q] 4 [5w] 5 [6e] 6 3 [30] [6e] 6 [7r] 7 [8t] 8 4 [4w] [8t] 8 [T] *
[2y] 2 [6T] 6 [2y] 2 [3u] 3
[4i] 4 1 [1t] [4i] 4 [3u] [3i]u
[6e] 6 3 [30] [6e] 6 [7r] 7
[8t] 8 4 [4w] [8t] 8 [6e] 6
[4a]-a 1 [4a] s [5a] s
[6a]-a 3 [6a] s [7a] s
[8a]-a 5 [8a] s [*a] s
[9d]-[6S]-[9d] s [0a] p
[qa] q [8a] 8 [qa] [qs] [0a] [0s]
[6a] 6 [3a] 3 [6a] [6s] [7a] [7s]
[8a] 8 [4a] 4 [8a] [8s] [6a] [6s]
[4i] 4 1 1 4 4 5 5
6 6 [3o] 3 [6p] 6 [7u] 7
[8u] 8 5 5 8 8 * *
9 9 [6u] 6 [9i] 9 [0u] 0
[qt] q 8 8 q q 0 0
6 6 3 3 6 6 [7f] [7f]
8 [8f] [5f] 5 [8f] [8f] [f] [f]
9 [9g] [6g] 6 [9g] [9d] s p
[7a]-[7a]-[7a] [8s] a s
a-[7a]-[7a] s [6a] s
[5a]-[7a]-[7a] [8s] a s
d-[7S] 7 [8d] s [ea] p
[4w] 4 r-r r 3 3
6 6 r [ru] r i u i
[1u] 1 r r r r–
2 2 r r r [ep] [1ep] [ep]
[4t] i [8i] i [4i] i [5i] o
[6u]-[3u] u [6u] i [7u] i
[8u]-[5u] u [8i]-[p]- 9 [ts] [6s] s [9s] d [0s]- [qp]-[8i] i [qi] i [0i] o [6u] u [3u]-[6u] i [7u] i [8o] o [5u] i [8o]-[f] f
[9g] g [6f] f [9d] d [3s]-
4 t t [1e] [4y]-[5e]-
6–3 6-7-
8-f [5f] [8h]-[f]- [9h]-[6f]-[9d] s [0p]- q-t [8e] [qy] e [0e]- 6–3 6-7- 8-f [5f] [8h]-[f]-
[9h]-[6f]-[9d] s p-
[5e]-3 2 3 5 6 2
3 5 [2o] 3 [6p]-u-
[8u]-6 5 6 8 6 5
6 8 [5u] 6 [2i]-u-
[5t]-3 2 3 5 6 2
3 5 2 3 6-o o
8 o [6o] 5 [6o] [8o] [6o] [5h]
6 [8j] [5j] 6 [2j] j j j
[4j]-[1f] h 4 f [5h] j
[6k]-l[3k] j [6h] s [7s] s
[8s] s [5s] s [8s] s [s] s [9s] s [6s] s [9d] s [0a] p q-[8h]-q-[0j]- 6-[3l]-6-[7f] f 8 f f f-f [0f] x
[9q] x x x x z [80z] l
4 i [8i] i [4i] i [5i] o
[6u]-[3u] u [6u] i [7u] i
[8o]-[5o] o [8s]-[s]- [9s]-[6l] l [9l] z [0l]- [qj]-[8i] i [qi] i [0i] o [6u] u [3u]-[6u] i [7f] g [8h] h [5f] g [8h]-[h] h
[9j] j [6h] h [9g] g [3f]-
4 s s [1p] [4d]-[5p]-
6–3 6-7-
8-f [5f] [8h]-[f]- [9h]-[6f]-[9d] s [0p]- q-s [8p] [qd] p [0p]- 6–3 6-7- 8-f [5f] [8h]-[f]-
[9h]-[6f]-[9d] s p-
e 0 t 0 e 0 t 0
e 0 t 0 e 0 t 0
e 0 t 0 e 0 t 0
e 0 t 0 e 0 t 0
[ep] [0u] [ts] [0u] [ep] [0u] [ts] [0u]
[ep] [0u] [ts] [0u] [ep] [0u] [ts] [0u]
[ep] [0u] [ts] [0u] [ep] [0u] [ts] [0u]
[ep] [0u] [ts] [0u] [ep] [0u] [ts] [0u]
[ej] [0f] [tl] [0f] [ej] [0f] [tl] [0f]
[ej] [0f] [tl] [0f] [ej] [0f] [tl] [0f]
[ej] [0f] [tl] [0f] [ej] [0f] [tl] [0f]
[ej] [0f] [tl] [0f] [ej] [0f] [tl] [0f]
[6p] [3u] [8s] [3u] [6p] [3u] [8s] [3u]
[6p] [3u] [8s] [3u] [6p] [3u] [8s] [3u]
[6p] [3u] [8s] [3u] [6p] [3u] [8s] [3u]
[6p] [3u] [8s] [3u] [6p] [3u] [8s] [3u]
[6ea]-a-a s [5a] s
[6a]-a-a s [7a] s
[5wa]-a-a s [a] s [6ed]-S-d s a p [9tf] u d u f u [0h] u [6f] u d u f u [7h] u [8tf] u d u f u [6h] u [2f] u d u f u [3h] u [4qk]-k-k l [5k] l [6k]-k-k l [7rk] l [8tk]-k-k l [k] l
[9z]-L-z [8tl] k [6ej]
[1t] f-f f f-f-
[2f] 2 [2f] 2 [2g] 2 2
[4q] i i i p p s s
[6ef]–f-f [7h]-
8 f-[5f] [8f] h * d
9 s [6l] l [9l] z [0l]-
[qj]-i [8i] [qi] i [0i] o
[6u] u u 3 [6u] i [7f] g
[8h] h f [5g] [8h]-[h] h [9j] j [6h] h [9g] g [3f]- [4j] p p [1p] [4s]-[5p]- [6l]-p [3p] [6s]-[7p]- [8x]-f [5f] [8h]-[f]-
[9h]-[6f]-[9d] s [0p]-
q p p [8p] [qs] d [0f]-
6-f [3f] [6h]-[7f]-
[8d] s [uf] [5u] [8o]-[f] f [wh]-[0f]-[9d] [8s] [6p]- [qg]-0-q-w- e-[0h]-[ej]-[rf]- [tf]-w-t-T- y-[ef]-[yg]-[uf]- [qps]-[0u]-[qp]-[0o]- [6u]-[3e]-[6t]-[7y]- [8t]-5-8-–
[4j] 4 [1h] 1 [4f] 4 [5d] 5
[6s] 6 3 3 6 6 7 7
8 8 5 5 8 8 * *
9 9 6 6 9 9 0 0
[qk] q [8j] 8 [qh] q [0f] 0
[6d] 6 3 3 6 6 7 7
8 8 5 5 8 8 * *
9 9 6 6 9 9–
f h—-
Check out this guide if you’re new to playing the Virtual/Roblox piano and don’t know where to start!
Song Name: Touch-Tone Telephone
Artist: Lemon Demon
Difficulty: Hard
I think it’s time for you to know the awful truth
Mm, the truth about me, and the truth about you
‘Cause you’re a brand-new species
Big cat (oh-oh), space pirates, Robert Stack (oh, oh)
God-damn it, gonna snap, Leonard Nimoy (oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Call me back (call me back)
I try to call you every day
I’m rehearsing what to say when the truth comes out (of my very own mouth)
I’ve been working on a unified theory
If I make it through tonight, everybody’s gonna hear me out
‘Cause I’m the right one
On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone
I’m the only one
On your AM, AM radio
Oh, I’m crying now, authentic tears
They flow out of me when I think about you
‘Cause you’re the only person in the world who’d understand
‘Cause you’re the only person in the world who’d understand the meaning of this
Oh my god
I try, and I try, and I try to make you listen to me
I try to call you every day
I’m rehearsing what to say when the truth comes out (of my very own mouth)
I’ve been working on a unified theory
If I make it through tonight, everybody’s gonna hear me out
‘Cause I’m the right one
On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone
I’m the only one (hey)
On your AM, AM radio
Don’t hang up yet, I’m not done
I’m an expert, I’m the one
The one who was right all along
Better to be laughed at than wrong
I’m an expert in my field
UFOlogy, yes, it’s all real
Ancient aliens, it’s all true
I’m an expert just like you
And like you, I’m a genius before my time
Disbelieving, that’s the real crime
Pretty soon, they’ll discover me
In the Super-Sargasso Sea
I try to call you every day
What can I say when the truth comes out? (Of my very own mouth)
I’ve been working on a unified theory
If I make it through tonight, everybody’s gonna hear me out (now)
‘Cause I’m the right one (now) on my touch-tone telephone (now)
On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone
I’m the only one on your AM radio
(On your AM, AM radio)